Welcome to Binu's Pages
Click here to see >tata's small wonder
What's happening at IBM ACE? >see acetrace
Wanna have some >spice?
Take a good look at >natalie now
this is for the viewing pleasure of> raju
My Hobbies
Collecting Rock Music albums
- Especially those belonging to the 70's.But that doesnot mean
that i collect rockmusic only.i even have a good specimen from
pop as well.

- I love the wilderness.when i'm there i always think that i belong
there.The fresh crisp air and the nearness to the nature will bring
peace to your mind.I think once in a while everyone should take a
break and enjoy nature.
- Since my childhood days nothing has ever fascinated me like a camera
did.With a good camera and a bit of creativity you can see new
things from the same angle and make other people see it too.
all pages by binu jose. please send your comments and suggestions to
[email protected]